Well...Angelica i loved the idea of listing 6 weird things because i have nothing to write for blogs so now i do!!! haha
1) I'm usually kinda lazy and dont clean a ton. But i get these days where i go crazy because things look bad so i go ballistic cleaning EVERYTHING and i go into a weird cleaning mode where i would even ditch out on doing something fun to get things clean. haha
2) If i'm not in school i HAVE to have music. I guess cause music is kinda my only talent and an area i feel comfortable. Even if im doing homework or emailing or blogging i HAVE to be listening to something. I LOVE to crank music in my pick up and room! Angelica knows this.
3) I'm obsessed with making my eyelashes as close to perfect as i can!!!! They usually don't last all day. which drives me INSANE!!!! but what can i say...my favorite feature of people is their EYES!
4) I am a ping pong attic. I played everyday at alyssa's house during the break when she got home. And i have to admit we are all AMAZING!! There's just something about it...slamming down on your opponent...tennis and volleyball mixed!!!!!!!
5) It takes me an unhealthy amount of time to fall asleep at night!!! if i get in bed at ten i dont fall asleep till one or one thirty. I've tried everything. Reading for at least an hour, not thinking about anything and concentrating on my breathing, not moving a lot...but still...nothing. ITS RIDICULOUS!
6) This isnt really a quirk i guess...more habbit... but i ALWAYS wear sweatshirts to school. Everyday without fail. i'll something cute on but i'm terribly self conscience. Always end up throwing on a Sweatshirt at the last moment messing up my hair, and off to school!